Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The New Weird Way To Spread HIV

Weird way drug addict use to spread HIV, the virus of AIDS disease. Below is an article that needed to get attention if you never read it before.

In Thailand, one of drug addict who is HIV positive had been arrested and charged, but it was too late, as he already infected many innocent victim. So be careful! Some place that is dangerous and you might find contaminated needles that have been used by drug addicts.

At a beach. When you are walking at a beach please always wear slippers or shoes as HIV contamidated needles might buried under the sand. These needles might be exposed to underground by sea wave.

At a chidren playground! Another favourite place for drug addict. In Australia, where an innocent child had been accidentally injected with needle when he slide down where a needle happen to be at the bottom of the slide, and then comfirmed HIV positive.

At a cinema! Please check the seat before sitting. A case happened in Hawaii when a woman sat on a chair and felt something injected her. When she stand up, she realized there was a needle and a note written "Welcome to the real world, you are now HIV positive" . Doctor inspected the needle and confirmed it had HIV virus. So be careful.

In Georgia and Florida, US , there's a case a drug addict place a needle in coin balance retriever of vending machine. So if you want to buy drink oy candy or anything else from vending machine, look carefully into coin balance retriever, maybe someone has put a HIV contaminated needle inside it.

Please share this story with anyone else you know, especially family members and friends. You can forward them to this URL (copy and paste the url)

As translated from an article in Bahasa Melayu by Dr Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof Associate Professor & Head Dept. of Chemical Pathology School of Medical Sciences USM

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